Development Project Raises Concern for Fragile Wetlands

The Sid Commons Apartments development project near the Petaluma River raises community concerns for the health of fragile wetlands. The location is a largely undeveloped floodplain of undisturbed riparian habitat that includes two wetlands. Local residents and conservationists have mobilized to defend this fragile environment.


March 12, 2023: A Freedom of Information request from a concerned citizen reveals that the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board Water Quality Certification for the Sid Commons project was denied last year on November 18, 2022.

November 29 2022 per the Argus Courier: “Petaluma Assistant City Attorney Dylan Brady said the only remaining steps for the project would be to receive a site plan and architectural review permit, which is granted at the discretion of the Planning Commission.”
Source: Sid Commons project takes big step forward

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