Sign up to become a Fisheries Biologist-for-a-Day!
This creek is much more beautiful in person. Sign up now!
RETU is proud to launch our new Fisheries Biologist-for-a-Day program.
This is a rare and excellent opportunity to work first hand on critical local conservation projects. RETU has partnered with natural resource agencies, Resource Conservation Districts and other environmental groups to offer special access to hands-on volunteer activities.
Volunteers will receive basic training on safety, invasive species protocols, fish handling, field techniques and more. Our first training session will be offered this fall and once you complete training you will be qualified to get out in the field with our partner organizations. Volunteer opportunities will typically be single day commitments and will allow folks to pitch in as much or as little as their schedule allows.
Tired of sitting at your desk? Consider committing a day a month to help our local fisheries. Our initial focus will be Sonoma County.